Chinese Horoscopes 10-Year Major Cycles

Your Simple Birth Chart
Day (You) Month Year
Red/Fire Green/Wood Brown/Earth
Dog Pig Rabbit

You are Fire, a Red Dog.

The ABC Astrology tells you your lucky element. The following is your major cycle chart. The cycles which contain scores of 30 or more for your lucky element are your lucky cycles. The lucky events in your life should happen in these cycles. Lucky events are Marriage, New Job, New House, New Money, Major Financial Success, Good Grade at school, Promotion, New Baby Boy and so on.

Your 10-Year Major Cycles


Stem & Branch

MetalMetal WaterWater WoodWood FireFire SoilSoil
2 - 12FireRatRedRat0300300
12 - 22FireCowRedCow3903018
22 - 32SoilTigerBrownTiger0016737
32 - 42SoilRabbitBrownRabbit0030030
42 - 52MetalDragonWhiteDragon3039018
52 - 62MetalSnakeWhiteSnake3700167
62 - 72WaterHorseBlackHorse03002010

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