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2012 Chinese Moon Festival, Stories and Moon Cake

2016 Chinese Mid-autumn Moon Festival

When is the 2012 Chinese Moon Festival?

The date of Chinese Moon Festival (a.k.a. Mid-autumn Festival) is on the 15th moon day of 8th Chinese lunar month (Chicken month). The new moon day is the first day of a Chinese Lunar Month. Since the first day of 8th lunar month is 09-16-2012, the Moon Festival is on 09-30-2012 in China time zone. However, the Chinese Moon Festival is on 09-29-2012 in USA time zones, since the new moon day is on the date of 09-15-2012.

Time Zone Longitude New Moon Date & Time The 15th moon day Full Moon Date & Time
China East 120 09-16-2012 10:11 a.m. 09-30-2012 09-30-2012 11:19 a.m.
EST (USA) West 75 09-15-2012 21:11 p.m. 09-29-2012 09-29-2012 22:19 p.m.
PST (USA) West 120 09-15-2011 18:11 p.m. 09-29-2012 09-29-2012 19:19 p.m.
Time is the standard time, not the day-light saving time.

Chinese Moon Festival day is on 15th moon day, which is also the full moon day.  In China, the full moon time is around at noon. The full moon time in USA time zones is at night. On the night of 09-29-2012 in USA, the Moon will be much fuller than the one in China. In fact, we cannot tell from the naked eyes. But If people in USA celebrate Chinese Moon Festival on 09-30-2012, then they will miss the full moon night.

The Moon Festival is a holiday in China. It's an occasion for family reunion. Chinese families like to get together to eat the moon cakes and watch the moon at the Moon Festival night. For the people are out of town or for Chinese are from China stay in USA, they miss their family or the lover at home and share the same moon at the night of the Moon Festival before the Internet gets popular.

Why does 2012 Chinese Moon Festival arrive so late?

2011 Chinese Moon Festival day was on September 11, 2011. The 2012 Chinese Moon Festival day arrives on September 30, 2012. There are 19 days difference. The reason is 2012 has extra leap (Intercalary) lunar 4th month in June. That's why 2012  Moon Festival arrives late.

The detail about the moon phase times is at Moon Phase Calendar.

Why does the Chinese eat moon cakes during Mid-Fall Festival?

Moon cake is a Chinese bakery product. Chinese exchange moon cakes as gift during the Moon Festival season. Many business Companies gift their valuable customers with boxes of moon cakes. Families will buy their favorite moon cakes for themselves. The Moon Festival Day is a national holiday in China and Taiwan. Every Chinese won't miss moon cake during the holiday. That means more than 1.3 billion moon cakes will be eaten during the week of Moon Festival each year.

Chinese Moon Cakes

Is there a Rabbit in the Moon?

Click here to read the Legendary Stories of the Moon Festival and Moon Cake.

The Chinese Mid-Fall Moon Festival Day for the coming years

China Time Zone US PST Time Zone US EST Time Zone

September 25, 2007
September 14, 2008
October 3, 2009
September 22, 2010
September 12, 2011
September 30, 2012

September 25, 2007
September 13, 2008
October 2, 2009
September 22, 2010
September 11, 2011
September 29, 2012

September 25, 2007
September 13, 2008
October 2, 2009
September 22, 2010
September 11, 2011
September 29, 2012

2012 Chinese Astrology - Year of Dragon

How to Calculate Chinese Lunar Calendar

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