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2021 Chinese Horoscopes of Cow Year - 12 Chinese Zodiacs Prediction

2021 Chinese Zodiac Cow Year Dates and Meaning

2021 is the year of the Golden Cow, White Ox, or Metal Bull. The 2021 Chinese New Year Day is on Friday, February 12, 2021. That is the 4718th Chinese year. The first day of the Chinese astrological year is the first day of Tiger Month. The first day of the Golden Cow year is on February 3, 2021. The Tiger Month begins around February 4, each year. If you were born before February 3, then you should use the animal sign of the previous year to read your 2021 Chinese zodiac forecast.

Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is determined by the first day of the Chinese astrological year, not Chinese New Year's Day. Chinese New Year is from the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the Chinese Horoscope calendar. To find your correct Chinese zodiac sign using your birthday, please Verify Your Chinese Zodiac Sign page.

2021 is the Yin (Female) Metal Cow year. Yin Metal is connected to gold, gemstone, or jewelry. Cow contains Yin Earth, which is connected to the ground, farmland, or flatland. Yin Metal and Cow together is a land of treasure. Therefore, we call 2021 the year of the Golden Cow. People will focus on their income, investment, and national economy.

The Cow is the second animal in 12 Chinese zodiac signs. The month of Cow is January. If the lucky element of your Chinese birth chart is Earth, then Cow will bring you good fortune in 2021.

2021 Chinese Zodiac Predictions

2021 Chinese Zodiac Rat Prediction

People born in 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, or 2008 are members of the Rat Chinese Zodiac sign. Rat runs into an igloo will stay there for a while. The Rat will lack freedom. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Rat - Dedication to Your Career...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Cow Prediction

People born in 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, or 2009 are members of the Cow Chinese Zodiac sign. Cow meets a friend or a like-minded peer. You have the same goal. You might compete with each other. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Cow - Facing Equal Competition...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Tiger Prediction

People born in 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, or 2010 are members of the Tiger Chinese Zodiac sign. The Cow is a flatland. Tiger can occupy the land as its own territory. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Tiger - Good luck in Career and Wealth...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Prediction

People born in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, or 2011 are members of the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac sign. The Cow is related to huge farmland. Rabbit has many opportunities to build its dream. But it needs time to reach the goal. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Rabbit - Unlimited Promising Future......

2021 Chinese Zodiac Dragon Prediction

People born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, or 2012 are members of the Dragon Chinese Zodiac sign. Both Cow and Dragon are in the Earth group. They will fight for their territories. You need good communication skill to avoid the dispute. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Dragon - Need Diligence for Each Investment...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Snake Prediction

People born in 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, or 2013 are members of the Snake Chinese Zodiac sign. Sun providing sunshine on the farmland needs time to see the result. You will work on a big project and need the patience to see the achievements 2021 Chinese Zodiac Snake - Confidence Brings You Success...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Horse Prediction

People born in 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, or 2014 are members of the Horse Chinese Zodiac sign. A Horse is running on the flatland. Or a Horse works on the farmland. You need to work hard before people see your outstanding performance. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Horse - Show Your Best on the Stage...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sheep Prediction

People born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, or 2015 are members of the Sheep Chinese Zodiac sign. Sheep and Cow are neighbors and competitors. Both of them need grass to survive. You need to respect your competitor, but you need to charge your energy and show your strength. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Sheep - Take a Rest and Watch for Opportunity...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Monkey Prediction

People born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, or 2016 are members of the Monkey Chinese Zodiac sign. Monkey and Cow have different personalities. The Cow won't play among Monkeys. You have good opportunities to perform, but people don't pay too much attention to you. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Monkey - Plan Well Before Taking Actions...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Chicken Prediction

People born in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 969, 1981, 1993, 2005, or 2017 are members of the Chicken Chinese Zodiac sign. Chicken and Cow are good neighbors on the farm. Your love and people's relationship are great. But you will lose some freedom. It's safer to invest money in housing. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Chicken - A Healthy and Blissful Year...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Dog Prediction

People born in 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, or 2018 are members of the Dog Chinese Zodiac sign. Dog is the mountain and Cow is the flatland. The Dog and Cow together imply the mountain people come down the town and look for a career. The Dog can provide protection for Cow against the intruders. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Dog - Time to Save Some Money...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Pig Prediction

People born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, or 2019 are members of the Pig Chinese Zodiac sign. Pig and Cow are neighbors, not acquaintances. The sign is a river crossing farmland. Many opportunities are coming. You need some passions and energies to grasp them. 2021 Chinese Zodiac Pig - Need Energy to Overcome Challenge...

2021 Chinese Zodiac Sign vs. Day Master

The Chinese zodiac prediction using the birth year is very limited. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is from the birth year column of your Chinese Horoscope Birth Chart. If a guy was born on November 4, 2008, then the birth chart shows the Birth Year is Earth Brown Rat, the Birth Month is Water Black Dog and the Birth Day is Earth Brown Monkey. So we know his zodiac sign is Rat.

In Chinese Horoscopes, the Birth Year Column is connected to people's early life. It's the information about family tradition and culture. It's a factor to form people's personalities. It's connected to people's appearance and the public relationship.

The Birth Month Column is connected to people's growing and educational period. It's the information about parents and family members. The Birth Day Column is connected to people's middle or married life. It contains information about yourself and your spouse. The upper row of the Day Column is called Day Master, which presents you. The lower row of the Day Column is called the Palace of the Spouse. For the case of November 4, 2008, the Day Master is Male Earth .

The prediction of Birth Year Zodiac Sign just covers something about people's public relationships. That's for people who don't know their birthdays. To have a more accurate prediction we need to know the Day Master, then analyze the Day Master relationship with the zodiac sign of the coming year. The following will give your both zodiac sign and Day Master predictions for the 2021 Cow year.

Chinese Horoscopes: Life Rise & Fall Chart

Chinese Horoscope is a Yin Yang Five Element theory, not only the relationships of the zodiac animal signs. If you know your birth time, then you can have your complete Chinese astrology birth chart, your Lucky Element, and the Rise & Fall Life Chart. The Lucky Element is the secret code to help people to live luckier, wealthier, healthier, happier, and longer. If you don't know your Lucky Element today, then you return from the treasure mountain empty-handed.

The professional Chinese fortunetellers use even more detailed 10-God Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart. It's easier to know what and when will happen and what result will be.


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By Master Allen Tsai on November 11, 2021

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