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Chinese New Year 2025: Son-in-Law Day is Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Chinese New Year Son-in-Law Day

2025 is the 4722th Chinese year. 2025 Chinese New Year Day is on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Chinese New Year Day is a new moon day, which is the first lunar day. The 11th lunar day of the first lunar month is Saturday, February 8, 2025. This date is the Son-in-Law Day.

There is no special event on the 11th lunar day. In old agriculture society, some families invited daughter and son-in-law back to the house to enjoy the final meal left from Jade Emperor's birthday feast.

Jade Emperor is the king of the Heaven. The birthday of Jade Emperor is on the 9th lunar day. The foods left over are meats from 2 days ago. Son-in-law should have a daily job. He cannot accept the invitation, unless the 11th lunar day is on weekend.

Chinese New Year Day - Coming Years

2026 Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 17, 2026. 2026 is the Red Horse year.
2027 Chinese New Year is on Saturday, February 6, 2027. 2027 is the Red Sheep year.
2028 Chinese New Year is on Wednesday, January 26, 2028. 2028 is the Brown Monkey year.
2029 Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 13, 2029. 2029 is the Brown Chicken year.
2030 Chinese New Year is on Sunday, February 3, 2030. 2030 is the White Dog year.

Chinese New Year Events

Chinese New Year Zodiac Prediction

By Master Allen Tsai on Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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