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Daylight Saving Time for USA, Hong Kong, Singapore & China

Chinese Horoscope is required for correct birthday and birth time. If a person were born during the Daylight Saving Time (DST), then his correct birth time should convert back to the standard time. Usually, Daylight Saving Time is one hour forward. The true birth hours should subtract one hour from the DST. Chinese horoscope hourly unit is two hours. It's possible that the Chinese horoscope may give you a wrong birth chart if your birth is not correct.

The followings are the Daylight Saving Time about the USA, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canada. Every country has a complicated history of its Daylight Saving Time. If you were born 40 or 50 years ago, then you might have to confirm Daylight Saving Time adopting from the government's department or bureau of your birthplace.

Daylight Saving Time causes inconvenience to people's life. Many US states now want to end the Daylight Saving Time switch. Many countries don't observe Daylight Saving Time anymore. We just change the working hours, we don't have to change the clock.

USA Daylight Saving Time

Before 1970, many states are different. Some cities may be different in the same state. Some California, New York, Texas, and Maryland Information can be found in Book of Chinese Fortune-telling Calendar for China & USA. Other Information, See Time Changes in U.S.A and Time Changes in the World by Doris Chase Doane.

Current US Daylight Saving Time begins second Sunday in March and ends first Sunday in November. This change was made in 2007. from 1987 to 2006, Daylight Saving Time began on the first Sunday in April and ended the last Sunday in October.

1970 4/26 - 10/25 Last Sunday in April to Last Sunday in October.
1971 4/25 - 10/21 Begin at 2:00 AM
1972 4/30 - 10/29
1973 4/29 - 10/28
1974 1/06 - 10/27
Trial Period 1975 2/23 - 10/26
1976 4/25 - 10/31
1977 4/24 - 10/30
1978 4/30 - 10/29
1979 4/29 - 10/28
1980 4/27 - 10/26
1981 4/26 - 10/25
1982 4/25 - 10/31
1983 4/24 - 10/30
1984 4/29 - 10/28
1985 4/28 - 10/27
1986 4/27 - 10/26
1987 4/5 - 10/25 First Sunday in April to Last Sunday in October
1988 4/3 - 10/30
1989 4/2 - 10/29
1990 4/1 - 10/28
1991 4/7 - 10/27
1992 4/5 - 10/25
1993 4/4 - 10/31
1994 4/3 - 10/30
1995 4/2 - 10/29
1996 4/7 - 10/27
1997 4/6 - 10/26
1998 4/5 - 10/25
1999 4/4 - 10/31
2000 4/2 - 10/29
2007 3/11 - 11/4 Second Sunday in March to First Sunday in November
2008 3/09 - 11/2
2009 3/08 - 11/1
2010 3/14 - 11/7
2011 3/13 - 11/6
2012 3/11 - 11/4
2013 3/10 - 11/3
2014 3/09 - 11/2
2015 3/08 - 11/1
2016 3/13 - 11/6
2017 3/12 - 11/5
2018 3/11 - 11/4
2019 3/10 - 11/3
2020 3/08 - 11/1
2021 3/14 - 11/7
2022 3/13 - 11/6
2023 3/12 - 11/5

China Daylight Saving Time

Before 1986, see "The Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar for China & USA"
1986 5/4 - 9/14 Begin at 2:00 AM
1987 4/12 - 9/13
1988 4/17 - 9/11
1989 4/16 - 9/17
1990 4/15 - 9/16
1991 4/14 - 9/15
1992 Stop using but allow some area to use

Taiwan Daylight Saving Time

Before 1945, see "The Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar for China & USA"
1945 to 1951   5/1 - 9/30   Begin at 0:00 AM
1952 to 1952   3/1 - 10/31
1953 to 1954   4/1 - 10/31
1955 to 1959   4/1 - 9/30
1960 to 1961   6/1 - 9/30
1974 to 1975   4/1 - 9/30
1979 to 1979   7/1 - 9/30

Hong Kong Daylight Saving Time

1946 4/20 - 12/1 Begin at 3:30 AM
1947 4/13 - 12/30
1948 5/2  - 10/31
1949 4/3  - 10/30
1950 4/2  - 10/29
1951 4/1  - 10/28
1952 4/6  - 10/25
1953 4/5  - 11/1
1954 3/21 - 10/31
1955 3/20 - 11/6
1956 3/18 - 11/4
1957 3/24 - 11/3
1958 3/23 - 11/2
1959 3/22 - 11/1
1960 3/20 - 11/6
1961 3/19 - 11/5
1962 3/18 - 11/4
1963 3/24 - 11/3
1964 3/22 - 11/1
1965 4/18 - 10/17
1966 4/17 - 10/16
1967 4/16 - 10/22
1968 4/21 - 10/20
1969 4/20 - 10/19
1970 4/19 - 10/18
1971 4/18 - 10/17
1972 4/16 - 10/22
1973 4/22 - 10/21 & 12/30 - 12/31
1974 1/1  - 10/20
1975 4/20 - 10/19
1976 4/18 - 10/17
1977 4/17 - 10/16
1979 5/13 - 10/21
1980 5/11 - 10/19

Singapore Time Changes

Before 1950, see "The Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar for China & USA"

1950 1/1 - Longitude 112.30 degree Standard Time
1965 8/9 - Longitude 110 degree Standard Time
1982 5/1 - Longitude 120 degree Standard Time (same to China)

Canada Daylight Saving Time

Last Sunday in April to Last Sunday in October

Books for Time Changes


By Master Allen Tsai on January 12, 2022

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