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The Officer Star of Ten Gods in Chinese Zodiac

The Officer Star is the element can overpower and conquer the Day Master. The gender of the Officer Star and the Day Master is different. The Offical, Zheng-Guan, Diplomat, Angel Star, Direct Officer, or Proper Authority are the nicknames of the Officer Star.

In order to analyze the Chinese Zodiac Bazi Birth Chart easier, Chinese fortune tellers assigned ten relationship names between 10 Heavenly Stems and Day Master, which is the Stem of the Day Column in the Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart. These ten relationship names are called Ten Gods.

Officer Star is Diplomat, Zheng-Guan or Angel Star

The element overwhelming Day Master is called the Career Star. The different gender element of the Career Star is called Officer Star. The Chinese Name is called Zheng-Guan . Zheng means proper, main, primary or authorized. Guan means officer, governor, management or job position. Therefore, Zheng-Guan can guides and directs people to follow the rules with attitudes of honesty, humanity and morality. The other nickname of Officer Star is the Angel Star.

The same gender element of the Career Star is called Evil Star or Qi-Sha .

The Officer Star can overwhelm, dominate, and conquer the Day Master. The Officer Star brings pressure on the Day Master. That's why it's connected to job, career, and power. The Day Master will instinctively raise the resistance to the pressure and fight for freedom. That means Day Master and Officer Star have a fighting relationship. If Day Master overcomes the pressure from Officer Star, then it owns the power in the office and has good luck in its career. If Day Master is unable to beat the Officer Star, then it works under pressure and needs somebody's help for career development. Therefore, the Officer Star is related to law, rules, restriction, law, supervisor, boss, mentor, diplomat, police, and judge.

If the person on the birth chart is a girl, then Officer Star is connected to her husband. If the person on the birth chart is a boy, then Officer Star is connected to his daughter.

Metal dominates the element of Wood. If Day Master is Yang Wood, then Yin Metal in the birth chart is called Officer Star. If Day Master is Yin Wood, then Yang Metal in the birth chart is called Officer Star. If Day Master is Yin Wood, then Yin Metal in the birth chart is called Evil Star.

Different Leaderships between Officer Star and Evil Star

Both Officer Star and Evil Star control, rule, command or influence the Day Master. The leadership styles between Officer Star and Evil Star are different. The approach of Officer Star directs people's behaviors and influence people's relationships with good intentions. It leads and guides people through positive principles. The Officer Star is also called the Diplomat or Angel Star.

The approach of Evil Star controls people's behaviors using power, authority, laws, and pressures. It disciplines people on how to survive in the competitive, challenging, stressful, aggressive, and dynamic environment. Therefore, Evil Star is also called the Warrior or Killer.

The Relationship between Mother Star and Officer Star

Day Master and Officer Star have fighting relationship. The Mother Star of the Day Master is the Child Element of the Officer Star. If Mother Star is next to the Day Master, then Officer Star won't fight against the Day Master in the font of its child. The Officer Star will provide support, protection, and love to Mother Star. Then the Officer Star becomes the second layer protection of Day Master.

The Mother Star is an unlucky element of Strong Day Master. Officer Star helps Mother Star becoming stronger. If the Mother Star next to the Day Master, then the Officer Star is an unlucky element, too. If the Mother Star is not in the birth chart, then the Officer Star is a lucky element.

The Mother Star is a lucky element of Weak Day Master. If the Mother Star appears in the birth chart, then the Officer Star is another lucky element. If the Mother Star is not found in the birth chart, then the Officer Star is an unlucky element because of additional pressure from the Officer Star.

Officer Star and Evil Star are unpredictable and tricky. It can be a lucky element or an unlucky element depending on the presence of the Mother Star from the astrological cycles.

Meanings of Officer Star in the BaZi Birth Chart

Basically, Officer Star is related to the job, career, position, law, and government. When connecting to a career, the Officer Star can be pressure, power, challenge, competition, leadership, promotion, fame, determination, development, and reform. When connecting to the government, the Officer Star can be rules, law, lawsuit, dispute, police, prestige, majesty, election, traffic tickets, job examination, qualification testing.

Because of challenge, the Officer Star is connected to the victory. It can be winning the competition or winning the election, such as job promotion, new job position, or passing an examination to qualify a job skill level. Because of pressures, Officer Star is also related to responsibility, tension, sick, disease, and health.

A weak Day Master without the Mother Star, the strong Officer Star can let people unable to make their judgment. They cannot work independently. They will become a regular employee as a team member and don't have any leadership. It's hard for them to be rich.

If a weak Day Master with the Mother Star and without Officer Star, then the person doesn't have pressures at work. But the person doesn't have a good job promotion opportunity, either.

If a weak birth chart has the Mother Star, Robber Star, and Officer Star in the Stem Row, then the person will have very good fortune. Good career opportunity, good reputation, and good income will all come to him.

If a weak birth chart has the Performer Star (Hurting-Officer Star) , Robber Star and Officer Star in the Stem Row, then the person won't have a peaceful mind. If the Child Element (Food Star or Hurting-Officer) appears in the astrological cycle, then he will encounter dispute, lawsuit or even jail time.

If a girl whose birth chat mixes with multiple Officer Stars and Evil Stars, she will work in a male-dominated environment. Or she will have multiple relationships in her life. Also, she might have many brothers.

If a girl whose birth chat has multiple Hurting-Officer Stars without any Officer Star, then she has difficulty to find a love relationship and marriage. This is because her speeches and behaviors keep gentlemen away.

When both Officer Star and Evil Star appearing on the Stem of the birth chart, the person becomes tricky, diplomatic, and sophisticated. The person has two standards for different people. Sometimes, his conduct disagrees with his words

If a weak Day Master has too many Officer Stars, then the Officer Star will act like Evil Star. That means the characteristic of Officer Star becomes a bad-tempered, violent, adventure, aggressive, offensive, and hostile.

The Child Element can be a lucky element for a Strong Day Master. But the Child Element always acts as an unlucky element to a Weak Day Master when the Officer Star is around.

When both Officer Star and the Performer Star (Hurting-Officer Star) appear on the Stem of the birth chart without a Mother Star, then the person won't have good luck in career. There is no promotion opportunity. If the Day Master is too weak, the person might lose his job.

Congressman and senator, president, CEO, manager, supervisor, policeman, judge, government officer, and government administrator are a good career for people whose lucky element is the Officer Star.

Is the Officer Star the Good Sign in Chinese Zodiac?

If Day Master is weak, then it will have difficulty to face the pressures of Officer Star. If Day Master cannot find the help, then Officer Star is an unlucky element. The Officer Star brings poor luck in career and health. Therefore, the Officer Star is not always good symbol in Chinese Zodiac. However, if weak Day Master finds the escort from Mother Star, then the Officer Star becomes a lucky element.

Chinese Five Element Astrology

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The symbol of the Evil Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is . The symbol of the Officer Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is .


Master Allen Tsai Modified: October 6, 2021

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