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The Performer Star of Ten Gods in Chinese Zodiac

The Performer Star is the child element of the Day Master. The gender of Performer Star and Day Master is different. Actor, Talker, Hurting Officer, Shang-Guan are the nicknames of Performer Star.

In order to analyze the Chinese Zodiac Bazi Birth Chart easier, Chinese fortune tellers assigned ten relationship names between 10 Heavenly Stems and Day Master, which is the Stem of the Day Column in the Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart. These ten relationship names are called Ten Gods.

Performer Star is Actor, Shang-Guan, Business Person

The child element which gender different from Day Master is called Performer Star. The Chinese Name is called Shang-Guan . Shang means hurting, attacking or injury. Guan means officer, job or law. Shang-Guan is connected to challenging officer, risking job or abusing law.

The child element which gender same to from Day Master is called Food Star or Shi-Shen .

Fire is the Child element of Wood. If Day Master is Yang Wood, then Yin Fire in the birth chart is the Performer Star. If Day Master is Yin Wood, then Yin Fire in the birth chart is the Food Star. If Day Master is Yin Wood, then Yang Fire in the birth chart is called Performer Star.

The Performer Star is called Shang-Quan and the Officer Star is called Zhang-Quan in Chinese Zodiac. Quan means officer, official, job or career. Shang is hurting something. Shang-Quan can hurt, overcome and even destroy the Officer Star, which is a Career Star. Shang-Quan is an unfavorable element for politician and people pursuing government jobs. The Officer Star, a.k.a. Angel Star, gives people discipline and pressure. The Performer Star unleashes the restraint from the Officer Star and brings people the freedom.

If Performer Star is an unlucky element, then Performer Star implies power loss, demotion, layoff, or jobless. Since Performer Star is against the restriction, rules, and law, the Performer Star is also connected to dispute, lawsuit, challenge, plot, and cheating. Performer Star is also related to sickness, disease, disaster, accident, neurasthenia, and injury if multiple Performer Stars exhaust too much energy from a weak the Day Master.

The Performer Star is the Child Element of Day Master. Therefore, the Performer Star is the image of the person. It stands for your outlook, speech, expression, acting, creation, talent, eloquence, overstatement, emotion, and show off. If the Performer Star is a strong Lucky Element, then the person usually has a good-looking face and figure. Usually, the person becomes a celebrity. Therefore, we give Shang Quan nickname as Actor Star.

The Performer Star people have a good comprehensive mind, expressive skill, outstanding creativity, and straightforward attitude. But they have a suspicious mind, changeable emotion, sensitive personality, capricious opinion, talkative with harsh language. They like to be in the limelight. So people will talk about them. Therefore, Actor Star is related to fame or reputation.

Quan also means husband to a woman. Shang Quan can stands for hurting the husband. If a woman has strong and many Performer Stars in the birth chart, then this is unfavorable to her husband. An outperforming woman would hurt her husband's dignity. That's why many actresses have multiple marriages. If a woman doesn't have a nice outlook, then she might have difficulty to find her husband. If Performer Star is a lucky element, they will good income.

The Performer Star is connected to the younger generation, subordinates, businessperson, designer, stage performer, artist, actor, dancer, comedian, singer, speaker, etc. The Performer Star is also connected to a man's grandma, a man's daughter, a woman's son, or a woman's lover.

The Difference between Food Star and Performer Star

Both Performer Star and Food Star are the Child element of Day Master. The Food Star and Day Master have the same gender - Yang to Yang or Yin to Yin. The Actor Star and Day Master have the different gender - Yin and Yang. Therefore, Food Star and Day Master have hidden rejection relationship. Performer Star and Day Master have hidden attraction relationship.

Food Star to Day Master implies unstable, reluctant and unfocused. When Food Star shows its talent or devotes passion, it is accidental, sudden, unplanned, and impromptu. Food Star focuses on the participation and process, not seeks for the result. The emotional expression is natural. Food Star is connected to kind, modest, gentle, relax, caring, and calm.

Performer Star to Day Master implies dedicating, focusing, attracting, stable and insisting. When Performer Star shows its talent or gives expression, it's planned and dedicated, Performer Star concerns about the result and reward of performance and cares about the reputation of others. Performer Star is connected to competition, indomitable, unyielding, and arrogant.

If a person has too many Food Stars in the astrological birth chart, then his or her personality will go to the Performer Star side. Therefore, it sometimes is hard to distinguish the personality between the Food Star and Performer Star. In this case, Chinese astrology treats all Food Stars as Performer Stars.

Food Star is artist or writer. Performer Star is an actor, movie star, business person, real estate agent, or singer. Many Performer Star people are good-looking and like to show off a luxury lifestyle.

Performer Star versus Mother Star

The Parental Star is an opposite element of the Performer Star. They have a fighting relationship. Both of them are connected to Day Master's fame. The Performer Star is connected to your performance presenting to the public. So people will have their view of you. Therefore Performer Star is related to reputation. The Mother Star is connected to someone supporting you. People should give you a good suggestion or recognition. Therefore, both Performer and Mother Stars are connected to reputation. They are opposite elements to Day Master. If one is the Lucky Element, then the other one must be an unlucky element.

If Performer Star and Mother Star are equally strong in the birth chart, the person has a mixing good and bad reputation. The Performer Star is the mother element of the Money Star. That means the Performer Star can generate wealth. So the Performer Star is related to financial investment. If Performer Star and Mother Star appear together, then the person could have good and bad investments at the same time.

The Parental Star can dominate the Performer Star. If the Performer Star is the unlucky element, then Performer Star could bring a bad reputation, poor career luck, or poor health to the person. The Parental Star can control the Performer Star. Parental Star can prevent bad fortune from happening.

Pure Performer Star Birth Chart Style

If a birth chart has strong Performer Stars without the any Officer Star, then the birth chart is a Pure Performer Star style. Certainly, the person must be born in the Performer Star month.

The person must be smart and have a good-looking outlook if the Performer Star is the lucky element. That means the Day Mater must be strong and the Money Star will be the lucky element too. When Money Star appears in the astrological cycle, the person will get richer during that time. Pure Performer Star people have greater ambition. They are proud of themselves. They can get famous easier.

With a strong Day Master of pure Performer Star style, the person has good energy and great creativity. He also likes innovation and competition. He might hurt people around him while pursuing new ideas.

With strong Day Master of pure Performer Star style, people should be smart. But they will still make mistake when the Parental Star appearing on the astrological cycle.

With weak Day Master of pure Performer Star style, the woman won't have a good marriage. But she will still be falling in love when the Officer Star appears. The love affair will disappear after Officer Star leaves.

With weak Day Master of pure Performer Star style, people are arrogant with a bad temper. They think they are clever. But they are not very knowledgeable. They have little relationship with their children. If there is no Money Star in the birth chart, they might not have a child.

Chinese Five Element Astrology

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The symbol of the Food Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is . The symbol of the Performer Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is .

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Master Allen Tsai Modified: January 15, 2021

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