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The Robber Star of Ten Gods in Chinese Zodiac

The The Robber Star is the same kind of the element as the Day Master. The gender of the Robber Star and the Day Master is different. The Rob Wealth, Jie-Cai, Steal Money, Contender, or Debt are the nicknames of the Robber Star.

In order to analyze the Chinese Zodiac Bazi Birth Chart easier, Chinese fortune tellers assigned ten relationship names between 10 Heavenly Stems and Day Master, which is the Stem of the Day Column in the Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart. These ten relationship names are called Ten Gods.

Robber Star is Contender, Jie-Cai or Rob Wealth

The same element of Day Master is called the Companion Star. The different gender element of the Companion Star is called Robber Star. The Chinese Name is called Jie-Cai . Jie means stealing or robbing. Cai means money or property. Therefore, Jie-Cai means robbing someone's property.

The same gender element of the Companion Star is called Friend Star or Bi-jian .

Because of the same kind of element with Day Master, Robber Star is related to the siblings, friends, relatives, and same generation persons of Day Master. Robber Star is connected to sisters if the owner of the birth chart is a boy. Robber Star is connected to brothers if the owner of the birth chart is a girl. This is because Robber Star should have different gender with the Day Master.

If Day Master is Yang Wood, then other Yin Wood in the birth chart is called Robber Star. If Day Master is Yin Wood, then other Yang Wood in the birth chart is called Robber Star. If Day Master is Yang Wood, then Yang Wood in the birth chart is called Friend Star.

Why is it called Robber Star or Rob Wealth?

The Robber Star is related to brothers or sisters. When we are young, the major income of a family came from Father. Children never have to ask for their expenses while growing. All siblings share limited income resources. After parents pass away, children want to inherit equally heritages. The greedy one might ask for more. The dishonest one might steal somebody’s shares.

People might lose investments on sibling's business. People might provide a free loan for the sibling who has financial trouble. People might help siblings with medical expenses or education. Either money loss cheated by the sibling or donation to support sibling is called Rob Wealth in Chinese Zodiac.

If the ending is money loss, then the big quarrel will exist as long as the Robber Star appearing in the Major Cycle or Yearly Cycle. But they should have a happy conversation at the beginning. Because of different gender, the Robber Star and Day Master have a good magnetic attraction in the relationship.

Hidden Meanings in the BaZi Birth Chart

The characteristic of the Robber Star is competition, separation, challenge, independence, expansion, simplicity, egotism, friendship, selfishness, determination, courage, and decision. It helps Day Master becoming a strong-minded and dominant person.

If the Stem (upper row) of the Year Column is the Robber Star, then the person is not the firstborn. He likes finance management. The person might make friendships more serious than marriage.

If the Stem of the Month Column is the Robber Star, then the person should have an elder brother or sister. If Day Master is strong, then the person has trouble in money management. The money will spend on friends because of dignity and saving face.

If the Branch (lower row) of Day Column has the Robber Star, then the person won't have good marriage luck. The Branch of Day Column is also called the Palace of the Spouse. A Robber Star in there means someone else could involve in his or her marriage. The Day Master probably has a late marriage.

Chinese Five Element Astrology

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The symbol of the Robber Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is . The symbol of the Friend Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is .

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Modified: March 30, 2021

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