2023 Chinese Five Elements Chart of Zodiac Year of Rabbit

2023 is the Chinese Zodiac Black Water Rabbit year. According to the Chinese Astrology Calendar, the first day of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit year is Saturday, February 4, 2023. The last day of the Rabbit year is Saturday, February 3, 2024. The 2023 Chinese New Year is on Sunday, January 22, 2023, which is from Chinese Lunar Calendar, not Chinese Astrology Calendar. The Chinese New Year Day is nothing to do with Chinese Zodiac Signs.

Chinese Astrology is the theory of Yin-Yang Five Elements, which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. All 12 zodiac animals contain different five elements inside. We can convert the zodiac animal sign to five elements. Ancient Chinese Yin-Yang scholars weighted the five elements of zodiac signs by scores. One year has 365 days. One animal sign represents a zodiac month. Therefore, the total score of five elements for each zodiac sign is about 30, by counting the five-element days. For example, 2023 is the year of the Female Water Rabbit. The Rabbit of 2023 contains 30 of Wood. The Female Water of 2023 contains 30 of Water. The total of five elements of Water Rabbit is in the following.

Chinese Zodiac Year of Black Rabbit

Year2023 Zodiac SignMetalWaterWoodFireEarth
Black Water Rabbit
2/4/2023 - 2/3/2024

Obviously, the Female Water and the Wood of Rabbit dominate the fortune of 2023.

How to Know My Fortune in Year of Rabbit?

Rabbit contains Wood. Can Water and Wood bring us good fortune? If Water or Wood is your Lucky Element, then Rabbit brings you luck in 2023. How can we know our lucky Element? Firstly, we need to know what elements are in our Chinese Horoscope Birth Chart. When you request your Rise and Fall of life Chart, we will reveal the secret of your life for free. You will see your Chinese Horoscope Birth Chart, Five Element scores and Lucky Element over there.

If you know your Lucky Element, then you can find out your destiny from Chinese astrological cycles, which are 10-Year major cycle, yearly cycle, monthly Cycle, daily cycle and hourly cycle. The following is the Monthly Five Element Scores of 2023, the year of Black Water Rabbit. This helps you to know which months are favorable to you in 2023.

MonthAnimal SignMetalWaterWoodFireEarth

Lucky Element Line Chart of Yearly and Monthly Cycles

The following Lucky Element Charts have two lines. The bottom line is the scores of Monthly Cycle. The top line is the total score of Yearly and Monthly Cycle. If the gap of Yearly line and Monthly line is bigger, then 2023 brings the person better luck. The Rabbit year begins in February. Some Charts have additional short-line on the top. That's the attraction relationship between yearly and monthly cycle, and that will boost up people's fortune level.

Your Lucky Element is Wood

The Lucky Element Wood shows inside the year of Black Water Rabbit. 2023 should bring you good fortune. If Wood is your Lucky Element, the spring is your lucky season. February and March are your favorable months. February of 2023 is Male Wood Tiger month. Tiger is in the Wood group. March of 2023 is the Female Wood Rabbit month. Rabbit is in the Wood group. Both Stem and Branch of February and March are Wood. Wood is very strong during these months.

Male Wood is related to tall tree. Female Wood is related to the grass. Wood is full of energy to expand its territory over the land in the spring. But it will slow down after the spring. Wood will rejuvenate during the winter.

Your Lucky Element is Fire

There is no Fire inside the year of Black Water Rabbit. 2023 won't bring you significant benefit. Dog and Rabbit have attractive relationship of Fire in October. You have good luck in October. Male Earth and Female Water have attractive relationship of Fire in June. June will bring you good fortune, too. If Fire is your Lucky Element, the summer is your lucky season. May and June are your favorable months. May of 2023 is Female Fire Snake month. Snake is in the Fire group. June of 2023 is the Male Earth Horse month. Horse is in the Fire group, too. Both Stem and Branch of May and June contain Fire. Fire is very strong in May and June. You will do well during this period.

Wood can help Fire to burn. Spring is developing cycle of the strong Fire. Fire will be losing its heat when weather is cooling down. Winter is too cold for the Fire. That means you will feel very comfortable early this year, then you feel lucky and everything is coming your way. July of 2023 is Earth Sheep. Sheep is in the Earth group. Earth can hold the heat of Fire. The fortune of Fire will continue in July. You need to be more conservative during the winter time.

Your Lucky Element is Earth

There is no Earth inside the year of Black Water Rabbit. 2023 won't bring you significant benefit. If Earth is your Lucky Element, then April, July, October and January usually are your favorable months. Because Fire is the mother element of Earth, Fire and Earth together can make the Earth stronger. June of 2023 is the Male Earth Horse month. Horse is in the Fire group. July of 2023 is Female Earth Sheep. Sheep is in the Earth group. It ends up summer is your lucky season. April of 2023 is Male Fire Dragon month. Dragon is in the Earth group. October of 2023 is Male Water Dog month. Dog is in the Earth group. Therefore, your luck starts in April and ends in October.

Your Lucky Element is Metal

There is no Metal inside the year of Black Water Rabbit. 2023 won't bring you significant benefit. If Metal is your Lucky Element, the autumn is your lucky season. August and September are your favorable months. August of 2023 is Male Metal Monkey month. Monkey is in the Metal group. September of 2023 is the Female Metal Chicken month. Chicken is in the Metal group, too. Both Stem and Branch of August and September contain Metal. Metal is very strong in August and September. You will do pretty well in the fall of 2023.

Your Lucky Element is Water

The Lucky Element Water shows inside the year of Black Water Rabbit. 2023 should bring you good fortune. If Water is your Lucky Element, the winter is your lucky season. November and December are your favorable months. November of 2023 is Female Water Pig month. Pig is in the Water group. December of 2023 is the Male Wood Rat month. Rat is in the Water group, too. Both November and December contain Water. Water is very strong and cold in November and December.

What will happen during the 2023?

If you want to know what will be happing in the coming year, then you need to go back to see your Chinese Horoscope Birth Chart to find out which element is your Day Master. The Day Master is the upper row element of the DAY column in the birth chart. The Day Master represents the person. Then we can figure out the 10-Gods relationship between Day Master and Female Water of 2023. Rabbit of 2023 contains Female Wood. Therefore, we can know the relationship between Day Master and Rabbit. But the easiest way to know what will happen in 2023 from our Chinese Fortune Calendar's Daily Chinese Horoscope. You can have additional Chinese Astrology Predictions in the following. If you are interested in Ten Gods of Chinese astrology, then you can see 10-God Birth Chart at Chinese Zodiac Card Reading.