2020 Donald Trump Presidential Race and Impeachment

Review 2018-2019 Donald Trump Chinese Astrology

People talked about Donald Trump impeachment before 2018. Our 2016-2018 Donald Trump Chinese Astrology mentioned there is no impeachment in 2018. This is because that 2018 is the Chinese Brown Earth Dog year and 2018 is a good year to Donald Trump. Dog of 2018 is in the Earth group. The element of Earth is the Lucky Element of Donald Trump. He ran the US government well in 2018.

People asked the same question about the possibility of Donald Trump impeachment in 2019. 2019 is the Chinese Zodiac Brown Pig year. The Chinese Zodiac Name of 2019 is , which is Female-Earth Pig. The element of Earth is favorable to Donald Trump. He should handle well in the first half of 2019. Chinese Zodiac Pig is the Water group. Water is not a lucky element to Donald Trump. He should face a new challenge in the second half of 2019. A formal impeachment inquiry against Trump began on September 24, 2019. The U.S. House voted on October 31 to hold public hearings starting sometime in November, which is the Wooden Pig month. December of 2019 is the month of the Fire Rat. The Rat is also in the Water group. We won't see he has too many happy faces this winter.

Review Donald Trump Chinese Astrology Chart

President Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, at 10:54 a.m. daylight saving time. 1946 is the year of Male-Fire Dog. He was born on Female-Earth Sheep Day at Female-Earth Snake Hour in the summer of Male-Wood Horse Month.

Donald Trump Chinese Zodiac Chart
Earth Snake Earth Sheep Wood Horse Fire Dog

The upper row of Day Column is called Day Master, which is the Female Earth and it represents Donald Trump. Dog and Sheep are in the Earth group. Horse, Sheep, and Snake have a strong combination of Fire. Fire is the Mother Element of Earth. With strong protection of the Fire, Earth is extremely strong. Since the birth chart is a special case, the Lucky Elements are Earth and Fire. The complete analysis of Donald Trump's birth chart is at 2016 Donald Trump Chinese Horoscopes.

2019 - the Year of the Brown Pig

2019 is the Female-Earth Pig year. Female-Earth is wet soil, flatland or farmland. Pig is in the Water group. Female-Earth Pig is a sign of muddy soil. Water under Earth is a sign of the war in I-Ching divination. Water represents money to Trump. The war is related to economic policy or trade negotiations. Water also represents women to Trump. That implies money and women trouble him in 2019.

If you didn't read our analysis about Donald Trump's 10-Year Major Cycles, 2019 monthly cycles and the possibility of impeachment, you should read 2019 Donald Trump Chinese Horoscopes first.

2020 - the Year of the White Rat

2020 is the Male-Metal Rat year. Male-Metal is ax, weapon or powerful wind in the sky. Rat is the cold Yin Water, which is the rain. Male-Metal Rat is a sign of a rainstorm. According to I-Ching divination, strong energy over the water is a sign of a dispute or lawsuit. Things will go well, as long as not taking any risk.

Donald Trump's Day Master is Female Earth. Male Wood of the Month Column is his Career Star. The Male Metal of 2020 is the Performer Star, which will attack the Career Star. Rat is in the Water group and Horse is in the Fire group. Rat of 2020 and Horse of the Month Column have a fighting relationship. Fire is related to Trump's supporters. That implies people are fighting in front of his office in 2020. The Water of Rat is related to money or the economy. Trade War against China will continue.

Donald Trump 10-Year Major Cycle
Earth Dog Earth Pig Metal Rat Metal Cow

The current 10-Year Major is , which is Female-Metal Cow. Female Metal and Male Fire of the Year Column have an attractive relationship with Water. Cow and Rat of 2020 have an attractive relationship with Earth. The attraction relationship of Cow and Rat can minimize the fighting impact between Rat and Horse. Water and Earth are opposite elements. Water represents Trump's money. Therefore, the major event from 2013 to 2022 is connected to money. The fortune of 2020 is money comes and goes. That implies the trade war or US economy wins some and loses some.

2020 Donald Trump's Monthly Cycles

We already have a detailed analysis of Donald Trump's 2019 Monthly Cycles at 2019 Donald Trump Chinese Horoscopes. 2020 Monthly Cycles predictions are about the same. We simplify the explanation for 2020 Monthly Cycles in the following.

2020 Monthly Cycles
Month2020 Comments

Male Earth Tiger
Tiger, Horse, and Dog have a strong Fire combination. Trump gains full support from his supporters. The Water of 2020 will challenge Trump's reputation.

The event of Wood is related to law or investigation of impeachment. Some people are standing on his side.


Female Earth Rabbit
Female Earth brings good fundraising for his presidential race from supporters.

Rabbit is in the Wood group. This is a month of career and law-related events. Rabbit and Dog have a relationship of Fire. Trump will stand strong under the pressure.


Male Metal Dragon
Dragon is in the Earth group. Dragon and Dog have a fighting relationship. Dragon, Sheep of BirthDay, Snake of Birth Hour and Cow of Major Cycle form the most strong of Earth. Dragon and Rat of 2020 have some Water relationship. Dragon contains Earth, Wood, and Water. Many things are happening in the Dragon month. Trump has more confidence to manage the same issues of money, economy, trade or career.

Female Metal Snake
Female Metal and Male Fire of Year have a relationship with Water. Snake is in the Fire group. Snake, Horse of Month, and Sheep of Day form strong Fire combination. Fire is connected to Trump's supporters. That implies the activities of the campaign rally. Strong support from Fire, Trump should have no trouble to handle the events of money, economy, trade war, reputation or media.

Male Water Horse
Male Water is related to river or waterfall. It represents Trump's money, economy, trade or women. Horse gathers Snake and Sheep in the birth chart are the strongest Fire combination. Fire is related to the presidential campaign rally. Male Water brings pressures on Fire. Donald Trump has to face the challenges of the economy and trade war with China.

Female Water Sheep
Female Water is cold water or the ocean. Metal Rat of 2020 is a rainstorm. Metal Cow of 10-Year Major Cycle is the wet soil. Together, they might become mudslide. Sheep of July, Horse of Month and Snake of House still have a very strong Fire relationship. The campaign rally is still the major event. Sheep also contains some Wood. Donald Trump continues to deal with the issues of career, impeachment, US economy or China's trade war.

Male Wood Monkey
Monkey contains Metal and Water. Monkey and Snake of Hour have a relationship with Water. Monkey and Rat of 2020 have some Water relationship. It's a strong Water month. There is no Fire this month. Trump is losing his supporting elements. Alos, Male Wood brings the pressures from career, investigation or law related event. Trump probably will trail in the presidential election polls.

Female Wood Chicken
Chicken, Cow of 10-Year Major Cycle and Snake of Hour form a very strong Metal relationship. Female Wood and Male Metal of 2020 have an attraction relationship into Metal. Strong Metal makes strong Rat Water of 2020, which is unfavorable to Fire. Trump's job approval rating will drop. Trump has trouble maintaining that same level of campaign momentum.

Male Fire Dog
Male Fire is connected to the Sun. It represents Trump's supporters. That implies the major event is the campaign rally. The Dog is in the Earth group and it is connected to the mountain. Fire and Earth are the Lucky Elements to Donald Trump. Trump will have successful fundraising and he can push the campaign momentum to the highest point. However, Male Fire and Female Metal of 10-Year Major Cycle have a Water attractive relationship. Some people are still against him.
Note: November 3, 2020, is the 2020 United States presidential election day, which is in the Male Fire Dog month.

Female Fire Pig
Female Fire is connected to Trump's supporters, which give Trump good reputations. Pig contains Male Water and Male Wood. Pig and Rat of 2020 together look that rain over the river. Donald Trump still receives negative comments regarding his performance of money, economy, and career.
Note: The Pig month of 2020 is from November 8, 2020 to December 7, 2020 in the US Eastern time zone.

2020 Impeachment and Presidential Race

The Day Master of Trump's birth chart is Female Earth , which is flatland or ground. The ground won't get hurt when people can stomp on it. Female Earth has strong endurance and resistance. 2020 is the year of the Male Metal Rat. The Male Metal is connected to strong wind. Rat is cold Water. 2020 is connected to rainstorm or hurricane. It might cause a flood to cover the land. 2020 is a challenging year for Donald Trump.

2020 is a strong Water year. However, Trump's current 10-Year Major Cycle, from 2013 to 2022, is Female Metal Cow. Rat of 2020 and Cow of Major Cycle have an attraction relationship into Earth. That means the Water of 2020 will disappear eventually and the result is favorable to the Day Master Earth.

On October 31, 2019, the House of Representatives voted and passed the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. The public hearings have started in November. It focuses on the US-Ukraine scandal. Trump suspended $391m in military aid for Ukraine and ask the Ukrainian government to investigate the business activities of Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

The Lucky Elements of Trump's birth chart are Earth and Fire. To Earth is afraid of Wood. Fire is afraid of Water. Trump will face real trouble when Wood and Water appear at the same time. There is no Wood in 2020 and the current Major Cycle. It's hard to convict Trump in the impeachment process. The Senate of Republicans will vote President Trump not guilty of all charges.

There is Male Wood in August and Female Wood in September. Male wood is the tree and Female Wood is grass. They need a longer time to grow to cover the land. August and September are favorable to Trump's power. However, Trump's campaign momentum quickly rise back in October. October is the Fire Dog month. The Dog is in the Earth group. Fire and Earth are Trump's Lucky Elements. November 3, 2020, is the US presidential election day. November 3, 2020 is in the Fire Dog month. Pig Month of 2020 begins on November 6 in the US Eastern time zone. Trump has a better odd to win the 2020 presidential race in the Dog month.

Donald Trump v.s. Joe Biden - 2020 Presidential Race

Former vice president Joe Biden is the Democratic presidential candidate to challenge President Trump in the 2020 US presidential race. Joe Biden is leading the presidential election polls in early October. 2020 is not a good year for Donald Trump. He encountered impeachment, the CoVid-19 pandemic, China trade war, unemployment, business reopening, black lives matter, police brutality, etc. He has infected novel coronavirus on October 1. Can Donald Trump have an October Suprise and win the Presidential Race in November?We have more discussions in the following.


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