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Today's Five Elements Scores

Chinese astrology uses the lucky element to predict people's luck. If the weight of your Lucky Element is equal to 30 or more, then today might be your lucky day. The easier way to find your today's luck is from our Free Daily Chinese Astrology

USA Today is 7/27/2024 WaterDragon    Black Water Dragon

Five Elements Metal water wood fire soil
Weight 0 33 9 0 18

China Today is 7/28/2024 WaterSnake    Black Water Snake

Five Elements Metal water wood fire soil
Weight 7 30 0 16 7

The weight of Five Elements is for balancing your Five Elements. To find your Five Elements is from Chinese Fortune Calendar.

The theory of Chinese Five Elements is the foundation of Chinese Horoscopes. The main menu of the Chinese Five Elements is a rich resources page to learn Chinese Astrology. You can make inquiries the scores, charts, relationships, and weights of Five Elements.

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