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The Property Star of Ten Gods in Chinese Zodiac

The The Property Star is the element dominated by the Day Master. The gender of Property Star and Day Master is different. The Direct Wealth, Zheng-Cai, Salary, Director, Proper Money, and Real Estate are the nicknames of the Property Star.

In order to analyze the Chinese Zodiac Bazi Birth Chart easier, Chinese fortune tellers assigned ten relationship names between 10 Heavenly Stems and Day Master, which is the Stem of the Day Column in the Chinese Zodiac Birth Chart. These ten relationship names are called Ten Gods.

Property Star is Money, Zheng-Cai, Salary or Direct Wealth

The element dominated by Day Master is called the Money Star. The Money Star which gender different from Day Master is called Property Star. The Chinese Name is called Zheng-Cai . Zheng means genuine, main and proper object. Cai means money, wealth or property. Zheng-Cai is connected to major asset, value property, major income and money from great effort. The Property Star provides material enjoyment, sensual desire, luxury style, money expenses and source of living to Day Master.

The Money Star which gender same to Day Master is called Windfall Star or Pian-Cai .

If Day Master is Yang Wood, then Yin Earth in the birth chart is called Property Star. If Day Master is Yin Wood, then Yang Earth in the birth chart is the Property Star. If Day Master is Yang Wood, then Yang Earth in the birth chart is called Windfall Star.

The Property Star of a man represents his wife. The Property Star of a woman represents her father. The Windfall Star to a man is connected to his father or girlfriend. The Windfall Star to a woman is connected to her mother-in-law or sister-in-law.

The Property Star is something we can conquer, control, manage, enjoy or destroy. It's connected to the money we earn. The money of Property Star is the legal reward from hardship. The Property Star also implies wealth, money management, finance, diplomacy, business, jubilation, shopping, enjoyment, food, lust, romance, sexual desire, money loss, debt, loan, banking, investment, thrifty, income, hard-working, expense, etc.

Property Star people value their wealth. They are penny-pinching and picky about spending money. They are not interested in theory from schools and just like to face reality. They have little care about virtue, ethics, or conscience. They just seek nothing but profit. But Property Star people can focus on love and value their marriage life. The concept of traditional family value to them is conservative. Usually, their money luck in the entire life is stable. They won't get rich overnight nor have a big money loss suddenly.

The Difference between Property Star and Windfall Star

Both Property Star and Windfall Star are Money element to the Day Master. The Day Master can use the monetary value to improve the living standard and enjoy its lifestyle. The Property Star is related to the personal property that required lots of labor and energy to own. A house, land, car, salary, jewelry, antique collections, artworks, and long term investment are related to the Property Star. The Windfall Star is related to the income earned by little or no effort. Winning lottery, heritage, commission, investment income, unexpected good fortune, gambling income, kickback are related to the Windfall Star.

Property Star is the wage or valuable asset. People with Property Stars treasure their money. They focus on the living quality, family happiness, and financial plan. They are frugal, profit-seeking, the pursuit of riches, haggling over the penny, and even stingy. Windfall Star is easy money. People with Windfall Stars are generous and charitable. They have good social skills, like to attend business entertainment and like to steal the show. They tend to keep up with the Joneses and lie for financial status. A man with too many Windfall Stars will be wasteful in seeking new friendships and intimate relationships. He is good at romantic conversations to attract are opposite sexes. But he cannot focus on the relationship.

A birth chart is mixing Property Star and Windfall Star implies the person's major interest is money, wealth, and finance.

It's not easy for a man to win a woman's heart to be his wife. Therefore, the Property Star is connected to a man's wife. Children don't need to ask for money; their father will provide food and expenses for them. Therefore, the Windfall Star is connected to the father.

Meanings of Property Star in the BaZi Birth Chart

The Property Star is related to money. If Property Star is a Lucky Element, then Property Star is the income. If Property Star is an unlucky element, then Property Star is the debt. Usually, the Property Star is a Lucky Element to Strong Day Master. The Property Star is an unlucky element to Weak Day Master.

The Property Star and Windfall Star are money to Day Master. They are no different when we study the money income. A weak Day Master with strong Money Star people can often see the money, but cannot own it and spend it. They might do the job as a teller in the bank, a cashier in the store, a security guard of a cash truck, an accounting clerk, a servant for a millionaire, etc. Some people own the house and have a hard time paying the mortgage each month. Some debtors still live in an expensive house and enjoy showing off the luxury life to friends. Chinese astrology states that as "Rich House, Poor Man".

If the Money Star is hidden inside Dragon, Dog, Cow, or Sheep, the person has money, but people cannot see it. Something like that the person always saves the money in the bank or keeps the valuable items in the safety deposit box. But the people wouldn't spend it unless it's necessary. This is the case of "Poor House, Rich Man". They will spend the money when the safe deposit box is open. How to open the safe deposit box? The answer is Animal Fighting Relationships. Cow and Seep have a fighting relationship. Dog and Dragon have a fighting relationship. If Money Star in the Dog of the birth chart, then Dragon comes from Major Cycle or Yearly Cycle can bring out the Money Star.

The Money Star shows only in the Branch of the birth chart is much better than the Money Star appearing only on the Stem of the birth chart. The Money Star on the Stem implies people can see your money. Then the money has more chance to be robbed. For example, if you leave a $100 bill on the chair of a car, then sooner or later, the car window will be broken and the $100 bill will fly away.

Money can make our life easier. The Money Star in the birth chart is the source to bring energy for daily life. Without a Money Star in the birth chart, the person usually doesn't have good money luck. If Money Star in the birth chart has an attraction relationship, a fighting relationship, or a hurting relationship with other Stem Element or Branch animal, then that's not a good sign for money luck. That means the money has to share with others or someone might steal money from the person. The attraction relationship might be related to a love affair.

Property Star and Man's Marriage

If Money Stars appears in Year Column and Month Column of the birth chart, then the man will have an early marriage.

A man with many Property Stars and Windfall Stars in his birth chart has more chances to meet girls in his working environment or daily life. A man with no Property Star and Windfall Star has less chance to meet girls in his life. Only one Property Star shows in the birth chart, the man is not good at creating a romantic environment. The period of the love and romantic affair will be short.

If Day Master is weak and Money Star is strong, then the man's wife usually is in charge of the family. If the Career Star is in the Branch of Day Column, a.k.a. Spouse Palace, then the man is afraid of his wife.

If the Property Star is in the Spouse Palace and Property Star is the Lucky Element, then the man will have a virtuous, intelligent, rich, and pretty wife. If Property Star is an unlucky element, then the person won't have a good marriage life. His ordinary wife might bring trouble to him during the marriage.

If a man has no Property Star and one Windfall Star, then we can treat the Windfall Star as his spouse.

Relationship Between Property Star and Robber Star

Both Property Star and Robber Star are related to money. Property Star is Zheng-Cai, which means individual income in Chinese. Robber Star is Jie-Cai, which means Robbing Money in Chinese. They are opposite stars. It sounds that Property Star is income and Robber Star is money loss. Actually, this is only true when the Day Master is strong and the Money Star is the Lucky Element. However, if the Day Master is weak, then Property Star becomes debt and Robber Star becomes income.

The Property Star had better hide in the Branch of the birth chart. If Property Star appears on the Stem of the birth chart, it's easy to attack or steal by others. Who will steal our money? That will be Friend Star or Robber Star. Our money will be protected, if the Career Star (Evil Star or Officer Star) is around. This is because Friend Star and Robber Star are afraid of the Career Star. Otherwise, the money income will come and go. Also, there is a chance to get into trouble because of money.

Therefore, the Career Star accompanies the Property Star in the birth chart, and then the person can earn money and save money. If there are too many Money Stars without a Career Star, then the person likes to show off the wealth and aim his or her goal very high. When the astrological cycles come in Money Star again, then the financial problem will be disclosed.

Money Star v.s. Child Star and Career Star

Food Star and Performer Star are Child Star. The Child Star is the Mother Element of Money Star. Basically, if Money Star is the Lucky Element, then Child Star can let Day Master become richer.

However, Strong Day Master with week Money Star needs Evil Star (body-guard) or Angel Star (police) to protect the money. Strong Day Master must have strong Friend Star and Robber Star, which are afraid of Evil Star and Angel Star. If Food Star appears on the astrological cycle, then the person's income will increase. If Performer Star appears on the astrological cycle, then Performer Star will attack and hurt the Angel Star. In this case, the person will have a quarrel, dispute, or lawsuit with someone.

With a strong Money Star with Child Star, the person is good at social politeness. If Day Master is also strong, then the person will have abundant wealth and prosperous life. But if more Money Stars comes from both Major Cycle and Yearly Cycle, then the person still will get into big trouble because of money. This is because the Day Master cannot control the power of money. That means people always have money pressures when Money Star is stronger than Day Master.

The Parental Star can protect Day Master and empower Day Master. A weak Day Master with a strong Money Star, without any Career Star, and any Parental Star has a different story. If the Parent Star appears on the astrological cycle, then that's a bad sign for the mother or father. This is because the strong Money Star will attack the Parental Star. That implies one of the parents will be in trouble.

Chinese Five Element Astrology

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The symbol of the Property Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is . The symbol of the Windfall Star in the Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software is .

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Modified: March 31, 2021

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